Monday, March 31, 2008

Welcome to The Village of The Damned

What an ass backwards little town I live in. You'd think after 4 years I'd be used to the way things are, but no. I will never conform or seek justification for the way people act out here. Maybe it's that we are basically out in the middle of nowhere that we have to create our own fun. Our own stimulation. But at the expense of someone else? How is that acceptable?

Today after not hearing from The Big Fat Liar for a while, he tells me that he heard I was seen 'getting pretty close with somebody last Wednesday'. I just about fell off my chair. Did I even leave the house on Wednesday? A girlfriend came over for tea. Did I suddenly turn into a lesbian? And if so I'd like to meet the person who started this story cause they have some awesome x-ray vision going on, to be able to see through the walls of my house and all. Maybe I should start a diary of my days, so when this kind of shiz comes up I can retort, "Nope wasn't me, Wednesday at 11:46 I was changing a smelly diaper." Maybe I squeezed in an affair between laundry and Dora The Explorer that day and forgot about it. I should write it down so I don't forget. I have so many guys chasing me right now. Going to the grocery store really drives the men wild.

Funny how the story gets flipped. He had the fling, not me. But he has also lived here his whole life. One of the good ole boys. Its easy to throw the outsider under the bus.

So in an attempt to not be the whipped little woman I once was I called the only name that came up in the he heard she heard bullshit. She was really defensive. You've been busted beotch! Turns out she heard it from her husband who heard it from a customer. She then in turn did her duty of telling someone else, who then repeated it to the Big Fat Liar's mom who then told him. What are we in grade 3, all playing the telephone game? I wanted to get to the source, set them straight, and make an example of it, so maybe it wouldn't happen to someone else. This heinous rumour starting could really hurt someone. It's not fair. But I guess I have to realize its been happening like this in this town for generations. All I can do is keep living my life.

A friend of mine just laughed when I told him about all this. He thought it was hilarious. They're gonna talk no matter what he told me. Was I wrong confronting it like that? No. Now I'm not a slut anymore. I'm crazy.

Sunday, March 30, 2008


I am literally in awe of the beauty this child posseses. I'm sure that every mother thinks that she has the most beautiful baby. And its the weirdest thing because I have five little makers now and each time I was blessed with another I have thought, This is the most beautiful child.

Little Peeper is 10 months old now. Where has the time gone? I remember every minute of my first day home with her. Leaving the others to give birth to her seemed so hard to me. And I couldn't wait to show them this little dolly, their brand new baby sister. They were all so sweet. They loved her instantly. How could they not? I mean they were all good babies, but she is so close to perfect it scares me.

Today she wore one of her new dresses to church. I bought it to fit big, with the hope of getting more wear out of it. She hated it. It got in her way and slowed her down. I personally thought it was hilarious to hear her totally cursing at me in her own baby way. Eventually I took it off so she could terrorize the place at her desired pace. But it made me laugh and lately that's a good thing.

Peeper. Mommy loves you.

Off To Church

Lets see if the little makers can get through a whole hour without it all falling apart.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

The Big Fat Liar

Whats on my mind today? Mostly my failed relationship is. I've been dissecting it for a few days now. And today I have decided that the fact that it failed had nothing to do with me, and everything to do with the fact that the man I was with for over a year was 100% full of crap. I've always known he was full of crap but I thought the percentage was more like 20%. So why did I stay with him for so long?
I see now I should have ended it before it came to what it did...him lying about the fact that he'd started another relationship all the while telling me I was the only one and we were meant to be together and yada yada yada. When he told me he was in love with me and an hour later left with the girl he slept with occasionally, I should have ended it. When he got drunk and told me (at 7 months pregnant) that I was lazy in bed, I should have ended it. When he went to Mexico and I got a $1000 phone bill from all his drunken collect calls...When he took me on 4 dates in one year and his mom came along on one...when he told his mom I`d lost the baby because he thought he could talk me into having an abortion...When he never invited me out with him and his friends...When he almost missed the birth of little Peeper because work was more important...When he put everything in his life above our relationship, including taking care of his parents` dog, I should have ended it.

To give him due credit though, he was really good at buying stuff. And he was very helpful when asked. He just didn`t put in the time or effort it takes to have a strong relationship. All the broken promises he made to the little makers and I are swirling in my head now.

And here's the kicker. Even after I found out about it, he lied. Even after I caught him in that lie, he lied some more. Even after he knew I called her on the phone and she told me EVERYTHING, he still lied. So when we were in Wal Mart yesterday and PoopyPants said, Mom ------ said that's a security camera but it isn`t. And I said, No its a vent. And he said, Well why did he tell me it was then. I said, He Lied. I turned to BedHead and said, Among other things. And she said, Yeah he`s a liar, a big fat liar. And she at 10 years old hit the nail on the head, and it stuck.

Ok. Here We Go.

Welcome to my very interesting life. I am Mrs. Maker and I live with my five little Makers; BedHead, HanaBanana, PoopyPants, TinyManiac and Peeper. We also have one gender confused tom cat. Mr. Maker moved out almost 2 years ago. Today I can honestly say we get along, but it wasn't always that way. I've spent the last year and 4 months in a go nowhere relationship, which has recently ended. More on The Big Fat Liar to come.

In real life I am quiet. No one really knows me, as I keep mostly to myself. People would descibe me as nice. I always thought that nice was code for boring.

Quick...Think Of Something Witty To Put Here.

It is after all my very first post on my very first blog.

Maybe the second post will be more interesting.