Monday, April 14, 2008

Granola Mom

Have you heard this expression? It is new to me too. From what I have concluded it describes a natural living attitude toward raising children. After thinking about it I realize as the years go on I get to be more and more of one. Crunchier, if you will. It seems with the birth of every additional child I get to be a little bit more free thinking.

I remember 10 years ago when BedHead was little. I was as mainstream as it got. Even when it was just the two oldest girls, people would comment on how clean my house looked and smelled. I remember going over to a girlfriend's house and seeing her 3 kids and dog running around and thinking to myself, how can she function in this chaos? That chaos is now my everyday life and it doesn't even phase me as being unusual. I remember not even having one dirty glass in the sink and using every kind of cleaner known to man. I wouldn't want to go out there and count the number of dishes on my counter needing to be washed right now. Sad. But not really, cause I took my kids to the park instead.

That girl is a far cry from the woman I've become. These days I'm a breastfeeding, babywearing, cloth diapering, co-sleeping, bread making granola mama.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Bob Marley Makes Me Happy

Why is it that listening to Bob Marley will lift your spirit every time?