Sunday, June 21, 2009

Riding The Wave

Yes I'm still riding my hormone high, and it has enabled me to crank out another finished bedroom. Well, technically its not finished. The Lumber Guy still has to finish putting on switch plate and outlet covers and take down some painter's tape for me, and my darling little HannaBanana will have to decorate as she sees fit, as its her room. She is the sweetest girl. I found her many collections of shells, rocks, and animal figurines when cleaning up. And the Webkinz....oh those Webkinz. They are like children to her. She has made them clothes and toys and even takes them to school. I set up an old pantry which became Peeper's closet for a while, as her Webkinz display spot. (The green and white thing in the corner.) In all of this craziness of cleaning and organizing I am finding new love for my old house.

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Nesting Insanity

After, which because of my very limited computer skills is first.

Before (quite embarrassing really)

I am definitely a woman gone mad, or, well that's how I feel lately. I have literally been at a flat out run around this house for almost a week. I just finished up work last Saturday, and thought, ah time to relax til this baby comes. Wait a minute...that was my easy job. I got paid for it too! Since then I have been twice as busy. I realized that I was nowhere close to having this house the way I wanted to have it before the baby came. And its funny how every. single. stitch. of. bedding. suddenly had to be washed again. Oh what hormones will do to you.

And I must say that physically I feel wonderful. My sensible little bean of a baby decided to turn head down and since then its been smooth sailing. The kids are all getting along pretty well too. That's always such a happy surprise when it happens. They've been to the pool every night for the past six night, with the exception of last night. (storm) But we had eye appointments in the city anyway, so it kind of worked out. That brings me to the next bit of my nesting insanity.
I've never been a real 'material' person. But lately I haven't felt prepared in the way of having all the 'stuff' needed for a new baby. Weird considering there have been five before. So while in the city I ended up spending an obscene amount of moolah. Now, however, I am ready. Bedroom painted, furniture moved, crib set up, bedding and baby clothes washed, coming home outfit bought, washed and packed, natural baby products stocked. I even bought a smaller size of diaper wraps for my prefolds so I can start using cloth diapers sooner than with Peeper. I will wait till we get past that messy meconium though. Now I just want to get the rest of the house in order, if that's possible. And maybe even have some meals and baking in the freezer and ready. It may be overly ambitious but I am gonna ride this hormone high as far as it will take me and get done as much as I can.