Thursday, December 29, 2011

Keeping Up With The Times

I tend to rebel against the status quo. I don't want to be 'like everyone else'. That being said, I have had to evaluate how I manage my time and priorities, and I have decided to upgrade. I am blogging right now from my very own iPhone.

For me the decision was an easy one. My computer has been on the fritz for months and has been away being fixed for a couple of weeks now. Plus I really needed to get back to taking pictures of these fast growing monsters of mine. Having the ability to do everything from one little gadget should make blogging, facebooking, and picture taking faster. Hey I may even post pictures again! Yay!

And MedScape is a really cool app for med nerds like moi.

Monday, December 19, 2011

The EMS Newbie gets Schooled

In only the first 3 months of my new job, I have learned a myriad of new things; the kind of knowledge you don't find in a classroom. Everyday there is something new and exciting to learn and discover. I feel so very blessed everyday to do what I do. A lot of what I learn (or relearn) is applicable to life out of the uniform. So here is a random sampling of some observations, keeping in mind, this is just my take on things.

1. Don't put it off. Procrastination doesn't get you anywhere except with shampoo in your hair while the pager goes off. No, this hasn't happened but it's my biggest fear. It's why I get up early and get ready before my call starts. The moral of this story is do it now. If you have to pee, go. If you want to sweep, sweep now. You might not get the chance later.

2. If you feel like you need help, call. You are never "putting us out". It is our job, and we don't make enough money or have enough perks to be in it for a paycheck. We do it because we care about your well being.

3. Respect your elders. Never underestimate the wealth of knowledge age brings. Being new and keen is all fine and good, but listen to the guy who has been doing it for 10, 20, 30 years. He has been in situations your kids with the super crazy imaginations couldn't even dream up. Even outside of the job. There are forgotten skills to be learned from these folks.

4. Section. Township. Range. Perplexing to the town kid, but totally important.

5. Don't smoke. I know, I know; easy for the nonsmoker to say. I can't even imagine the grasp this addiction has on people. But if you could see what I have seen. Just trust me on this one, k.

6. Tell your family your wishes. This is especially important if you have a chronic health condition. As a health provider, I want to do right by you, the patient. It is also not the kind of decision making your family should have to do in a health crisis. Health care directives and living wills aren't any one's idea of a fun time, but are necessary when facing serious illness. Plus if you have an E.R.I.K. kit, you will be one of my favourite patients. Guaranteed.

7. Wear your seat belt. Every. Time.

8. Do what brings you joy. It took me years to figure out what I wanted to do as a job outside my house. Liking what you do for work makes it not feel much like 'work' at all.

9. Nurses are the most under appreciated people on the planet. Worth their weight in gold, they are.

10. Empathize. When you can do no more for someone, you can just be there, feeling their pain the way you would feel it if that was your grandmother or mother or auntie or friend. Because you know what? To someone, she is.

Friday, September 30, 2011

A Happy Life

I honestly feel like God himself has smiled upon my life. The kids are great! The new job is amazing. I really couldn't ask for more. (Well except to be 30lbs lighter, maybe.)

BedHead has been doing her schoolwork with minimal nagging. And today the Tiny Maniac lingered at the truck when I dropped her off at school, smiling her little toothless smile and telling me she loved me and she'd see me at lunchtime. Those are the things I tell her every morning. I guess she has been listening. It melted my heart. HannaBanana's teenage moods are easing and PoopyPants put out the garbage this morning without complaint. Peeper is as always my little shadow. I have been absolutely blessed to have these children.

I was on call for my new job this week. Each day got a little more comfortable. I didn't want to go anywhere in my uniform and was a nervous wreck about the pager going off the first day. After that I thought this is crazy, I have to get stuff done and went about my regular routine. Every subsequent day I felt a little more comfortable in my new skin and today, my day off, I felt naked without my watch. That is new...I've never worn a watch before in my life until I needed one for work. My co workers are awesome. They are so willing to teach and the truth of it is that there is so much to be learned as real life experience. Yes, I passed the same course of schooling that everyone else did, but I am green. So I really appreciate all they have to share with me.

I wish I had pictures from this weekend to share. We spent the night at our camper and had what may be the last campfire of the summer. *little tear* Then we spent the day at a nearby pumpkin patch and corn maze. I forgot my camera but Bedhead remembered hers so as soon as she uploads them I will post them.

Today is Amish Cinnamon Bread baking day. You know the starter that never dies because after a while of passing it around all your friends have them and you're stuck with them. I've started only taking 2 starters from each batch instead of 4 just to keep the bread population down. Today I have to bake 4 loaves. And since it is a sweet bread that will be enough for us til the next baking day. I promised Peeper we'd make cupcakes too so I had better run. We're going to taking the chill out of this old house with our cheery baking. And we may even listen to some Iron and Wine while we do it.

Friday, September 16, 2011


It feels like fall around these parts.

The summer was amazing. I only worked two weekends a month with the odd shift sprinkled here and there. Spending the whole summer being mom was awesome. We bought a cheapie camper and parked it at my mother's and spent a lot of time out there. The three littlest Makers even got to go to Vacation Bible School out there, which left me with my mornings free for a week. I went and visited my grandma, and was actually able to feel useful. I love it when people you love are able to humble themselves enough to ask for help. It really is a blessing to be able to help someone. To know that their day was made just a little easier by your being there.

I was blessed again with being able to grow some of our own food, but the garden was not as plentiful this year. I did get all of the tomatoes pulled before the frost came, and have hopes of making dilled carrots in the next few days. I've started putting the garden to bed for the year and it is almost cathartic.

The chickens are getting so big! We moved them out to the country and spent so many summer days with them. They knew that whenever we came, they'd get to come out of their pen and visit and eat treats. So all I had to do was call "chickens" and they'd come barrelling out of the coop so fast they'd hit the wire and clamour over each other to get to me. So sweet. That is happiness in my humble little opinion. Sitting in the shade watching the chickens be chickens. Its better than television.

School has started once again and the return to routine is fabulous. I am getting so much done around the house and have the opportunity to bake everyday. I do have to think about starting to work more though. I had a small buffer in the account to facilitate me being here with the kids while they were home for the summer, but its been depleted, so back to work I must go. Now that the little ones are in school I feel way less guilt about leaving, as I can work the bulk of my hours while they are away....which kind of gets me to the next update blurb.

I am ALL finished my licensing exams and am expecting my ambulance operator's license in the mail any day now. The process of waiting for all the necessary paperwork seemed so dragged out. So my advice to anyone needing a child abuse registry check in the province of MB is to do it 8 weeks before you need it! That is how long mine took, and I sent it away the day after I graduated. It was required before I could even book my provincial written exam. And then once you pass the written you can apply for the practical. And each test is only offered once a month. So the whole thing seemed to be really drawn out. It kept me going back and looking at my books though! Once I have my license in hand I can start work! I'm totally ready and even got myself a nerdy pair of steel toe shoes. Hopefully I will be able to work days.

Still single. Still loving it. While I would love to just be able to go out casually on dates, I just really don't think it is going to happen because;
a) In a small town every guy that I am seen with I must be 'fucking'. Ya, its heinous.
b) I like to go out and experience new things, but ultimately I want to come home to my kiddos alone. I love the gesture of a man walking a lady home and going his separate way. It seems so pure. But really in this day and age what guy thinks he should go home alone?

That and the last time I tried to be with someone, I picked the wrong someone and it ended in a peace bond! And bruises on my arms and him admitting to things I can't even bring myself to repeat on my blog with a good friend of mine while we were together. Gross. He was so quick to accuse me of sleeping with all my guy friends, and my ex, but turns out he was the one being insincere. Let me tell you, once I forgot him and this supposed friend my life has been drama free.

And a side note to the baking everyday...Yesterday I made muffins out of some banana nut instant oatmeal packets. It was going to expire and my kids didn't like it. I just substituted half the amount of flour for the packets and the kids LOVED them. Yeah, the oatmeal they HATED. Fickle little children.

So that's life in a nutshell here.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Look what I made...

You'd think with a pseudonym like Mrs. Maker, I'd be more crafty, right? This is the first knitted article I have ever made! For Christmas BedHead got a set of looms and an instruction book from Santa, and last night I thought maybe I should give them a go. Looked at the book, and two and a half hours later...a hat!

I actually made it with the intent of giving it to my wee nephew, but Peeper claimed it as her own.

P.S. Technically I didn't make this, but I did it! Not bad for a single mama of 5 with 2 jobs at the time, if I do say so myself.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

On my mind...

Little chick love!

These are our little gold and silver laced wyandottes. Our very first backyard flock! They are already so loved. I actually had to tell PoopyPants to close the box in the truck because I was having a hard time keeping my eyes off of them and on the road. The kiddos were so excited, I let them miss school to shop for the supplies and pick them up. We are keeping 5 and 5 are going to a friend once they can be outside. Their names are; Silvermist, Poachy, Goldie, Omlet and Charlie.

And thanks again to Rhonda at for introducing this great 'On My Mind' idea.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Today, for the first time in years I went and hung out at an auction sale. Not that there was really anything I was in need of, but its more about examining all the cool stuff and seeing how much it 'goes for'. And the desserts. And the visiting. I did end up with some really cute little glasses because I'm trying to get away from plastic for the kids now that they're getting bigger...not that it matters how big they are I guess cause Mr. Maker broke the most glasses EVER and he was the biggest. And I got a Polaroid Land Camera Model 80 for my step mom who collects old cameras. Shh...going to give it to her for Christmas. The best score, to me, was the box of books for a buck. They're mostly old school books. Some have names and dates in the late 1800's. All this for a grand total of $7.42!

HannaBanana and I got to hang out by ourselves for a couple of hours and it was nice. She and PoopyPants probably get the least one on one time with mama because they go to public school, are smack in the middle when it comes to birth order. It was a good day.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

On my mind...

Again following Rhonda's lead at, here is what I have on my mind today.

My $700 cat!

Well, $698.47 to be exact. Rico came to us as a "teenager" sized stray. After a couple of weeks of the little makers feeding and loving him, he was here to stay. Last fall I had him fixed and he began his life as a house cat. Here he is in the picture with his brand new bag of $75.27 special diet cat food.

We took him after hours to a vet an hour away when we noticed he was crying and straining, not able to void his bladder. Turns out he had a struvite crystal in his urine, which also brought on a bacterial infection. After having a catheter and and iv and having fluids pushed for 2 nights he was able to come home...on a urinary diet and 2 weeks of antibiotics.

Rico, you owe me. I had better not catch a glimpse of a mouse around these parts!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Keeping Track

This year I want to keep track of everything that comes out of this little yard of mine. I want to see just how much one yard "in town" can produce. It might be nothing, or it might surprise me, but so far it is super exciting. And here is the first tiny bit. Dandelion greens and some baby spinach I added to store bought romaine for our Caesar salad tonight.

And a few leaves of lemon balm. Geesh, I wish the mint was bigger.

So I remember what I planted...

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx raspberries

--------------------------- onions
--------------------------- onions
=================== carrots
=================== carrots
=================== carrots

Waiting a few days to put in tomatoes...and whatever else I end up buying.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ beets
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ beets

+ peas

--------------------------- onions
################### spinach
=================== carrots

************************ radish
************************ radish
************************ radish

O O O O O potatoes

O O O O O potatoes

O O O O O potatoes

O O O OO potatoes

P.S. Just because rocks, sticks, and toy grenades probably aren't very reliable row markers.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Greenhouse Day!

Well, truthfully, knowing I have a bit of a habit when it comes to gardening, today was the first of probably a few 'greenhouse days'. I actually only ended up with 20 little plants, and most of them are BedHead's. She decided this morning to come with my girlfriend and I along with the little ones. And then she promptly came home and liberated a little piece of lawn for herself! She is going to grow a tea garden, in the shape of a circle, and she set about picking out her plants all on her own. Today was definitely one of the homeschooling perks. Impromptu field trip! Everything is/can be a learning experience if we open ourselves up to it.

Every spring, for the last 3 years I have made the trip to an organic greenhouse an hour away. They technically aren't certified organic anymore, but they haven't changed growing techniques from when they were. And that is good enough for me. Seeing how the proprietors live is an inspiration to me. There were 2 WWOOFers working there today. There is a straw bale guest cottage on site. It just has a great energy. The little ones see sawed for the first time and jumped on the trampoline. I mostly watched them while BedHead and the friend shopped. The friend bought 4 flats! I only ended up with 1 but I totally attribute that to the hardiness of these little plants...they keep coming back, so I don't have to buy as many!

We packed a picnic lunch and did the tourist thing. We also happened upon a liquidation sale at a business that was clearing out the previous owner's stock. We filled a bag for $30, and when BedHead added it up, it would have regularly cost $726! We ended up with some nice suede type winter hats, mitts, sandals and dressy boots for HannaBanana and Bedhead, boots for Peeper and a dress shirt, capris, a skirt and a couple sweaters for me. Score!

So much cheaper and healthier than eating out.

Friday, May 13, 2011

On My Mind

Thank you Rhona Jean at for encouraging us readers to steal her brilliant idea. Really, if you could look inside my head today, it would look something like this...

This is my very cluttered coffee table, which seems to sum up what goes on daily in my life. None of this is staged-only snapped from above. You'll see my lap top open to my blogs, which I read every morning over a cup of tea. Peanuts from bedtime snack the night before, and a little Tiny Maniac's spelling test. 10/10!!! A couple of books my eldest two are reading; notice how one is by L.M. Montgomery. Girls after their mother's heart they are. To round out the menagerie is the PS3 remote to control the SpongeBob movie little Peeper is watching while I read, and my textbook. Last night at midnight I just had to look up the word for sharp, localized abdominal pain. I couldn't for the life of me remember beyond starting with a p. I knew the definition, the word had just escaped my cluttered mind and I couldn't sleep until I looked it up. Pretty nerdy that these are the things I think about at night.

Happy Friday!

P.S. Parietal. A localized, intense pain that arises from the parietal peritoneum, the lining of the abdominal cavity.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

So Far...

The weather has only cooperated with my attempts to get stuff done outside a handful of times. So far this is what I've gotten done.

The playhouse we started last year still needs to be finished.

New digs! The Lumberguy and I cranked this out pretty quick.

New raised bed. So excited! And new (dirty) truck.

HannaBanana's first deep bed. The little fence she picked out makes it look like a tiny cemetery.

Looking out the front door at the whole menagerie.

Because of my very limited picture taking ability and attention span, for now you'll have to imagine the little one foot wide strip around the yard. Maybe I'll have a pic once the peas start. And of my garden in the backyard. And my cold frame. And the wildflowers and garlic planted in old tree stumps. And somehow I'm going to fit a little hen house into all of this. I hope to keep track of everything that I grow in this yard to show just what a single gal can do with her own little piece of dirt.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Belated Easter!

I hope everyone's Easter was a smashing good time. Ours was. Chocolate breakfast, yard work, kite flying and a traditional Sunday feast is how we spent our day. I think I'm still full...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Life's Detours

It is funny how even when you know what you want, and are driven to do/get it, there are always little bumps in road. Its never smooth sailing, well for me anyway.

For a short while I decided to take on a full time job. This was in addition to my part time evening gig and taking a course. Yes, yes, I am certifiable! This job did not last long, but it was nice to see the bank account not depleted at the end of the month. Now, being home during the day, I feel even more blessed. This truly is where I want to be.

Just a few more things to catch up the blog before I start some substantial posts (and maybe even start taking pictures again):
-Bought a truck! All by my little self. Crazy, maybe. One step closer to farm life, for sure.
-Ordered chicks! Backyard chickens. YAY!
-Started tomato, watermelon, pumpkin and sunflower seeds.
-In the process of ripping up a strip of lawn around the perimeter of my yard. I'm going to put
up a little fence and grow peas (the kids' favourite) around the whole thing.
-State of emergency declared in the Village of the Damned!
-Made yogurt. And after a month and a half of not baking, everything I make is appreciated by
the little makers.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Its Official!

For the first time in 13 years, I'm a student again!

Feels good to be using the ole noggin.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ramblings of a Mom

Its funny how a smell can transport you right back to childhood. To me Crayola crayons still smell like childhood.. But they have to be Crayola brand. Weird.

Anyway as PoopyPants and I were walking home after picking up take out the smell of a wood stove burning somewhere was evident. The cool, crisp winter night. Snowflakes the size of dimes falling from the sky. Certainly one of those 'life is beautiful' moments. I closed my eyes and was reminded of being a child again, a little girl of about 8 years. Before the complexities and inequities of life had revealed themselves to me. To that sweet spot in the cycle of existence when the world is a good and wonderful place, and your mother is the smartest person that ever lived.

Its moments like these that remind me how important the role of mother really is. And I wouldn't trade this job for anything.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Remnants Of The Day

Today was a day spent among friends. I tea partied literally all day. Full on. Fancy cups and everything. A girlfriend came over this morning for tea and biscuits with homemade jam, and another this afternoon for Amish cinnamon bread and lemon loaf. So these are the leftovers of my day...2 teapots and a bunch of fancy cups and saucers that don't go in the dishwasher. Notice the tiny blue cup at the very bottom? Tea parties are for tiny people too! More days should be spent this way.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


You have to admit, that looks pretty cool. 1/1/11. Looks like a fresh start. Back to square one. And I don't even buy into the whole new year, new resolution thing. I don't feel like I need a date on a calender to change things that aren't working in my life. But if that's what it takes for people to want more and do better, that is great.

I do however have goals. They are pretty much the same goals as always, but I do feel newly fired up to attain them. Health is a big one. Its not so much about looking better or losing weight...its about being healthier and stronger. I want to be sure that I am able to defend mine if need be. So I may do the same as a lot of people are at this time of year and get myself a gym membership. Geesh there is this part of me that cringes when even thinking about going along with the crowd. Anyway...whatever your resolutions, or not...

May this be your best one yet!