Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Baby Steps...

Tomorrow I am going to look at a farm for sale. One step closer to the dream...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

'Tis the Season

No its not Christmas! But this time of year always feels like Christmas to me with all the gifts of the harvest season. I love the fall! And yes, technically, it isn't fall just yet, but today was one of those 'need a sweater' kind of days I love. This is the time of year I get to see the point of all those little tomato seeds I started so long ago.

On Thursday we went back to my hometown for a visit, and then a round of golf with Mr. Maker. The chokecherries were ready! They aren't plentiful this year like in years past, but we managed to pick a 4L pail almost full. After years of making syrup, I thought this year I'd try jelly. But we just don't eat much jelly, so syrup it will be. That tart sweetness on waffles and pancakes can't be beat! Reminds me of childhood every time I eat it.

I worked until almost 1am last night. At work I put the word out that I was looking for unwanted apples, and wouldn't you know it, one of my patrons has a tree in her backyard with apples just falling off and going to waste. This morning I asked Peeper if she wanted to go apple picking and she was so excited about it that even the dreary weather didn't keep us in. We picked for about 15min and got this 20L pail full. And there are so many more...I just need a taller ladder. I'm dreaming (and googleing) all the things I can make with these.

And last, but certainly not least, my Brandywine MONSTERS!

Chilled little apple pickers having a 'warm up' snuggle.

Here's to the harvest season. Happy picking!