Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Big Purge

A new year means a fresh start, right?

This year I really need to get back to brass tacks. I've gotten myself in a rut. Not that it's a bad rut, it's just that I have deviated from 'the plan' a little. I have wanted to have my own farm for as long as I can remember. But with the business of living sucking up my time and energy I haven't had the chance to dream like I used to. I have tried getting back into the kind of financial position I need to be in to buy the farm and so far I don't feel like I'm making much progress. But really with taxes and Christmas right on the heels of one another, I probably shouldn't be expecting to be further ahead than I am. And I like what I do for a living, so I feel absolutely blessed to be able to get paid to do something I love.

So not feeling like I need to find my calling has kind of extinguished the fire under my butt to move away. The same goes for the little Makers; they're all happy with their little lives too. BedHead has started back to public school in a different town and is loving it. It is such a good fit for her and she is coming out of her shell. She even applied for a job at a restaurant that is opening up here in the spring.

I just feel like I can't be totally complacent though. I miss having the chickens. There is only so much I can do from inside the town limits. So this has lead me to do some soul searching. I still want the farm, and so I asked myself. What can I do to prepare for that next step? Right now it isn't attainable, but preparing for that move totally is. So for the time being I'm going to enjoy the ride this life is taking me on, all the while saving and simplifying for the future.

So that gets me to my plan for this new year. Don't you dare call it a resolution! My plan is to declutter and get rid of as much unnecessary stuff as possible. I hate moving; so the less I end up having to take with me the better. I also want to get this house ready to be able to sell. So every week I am going to try to get rid of, fix, paint, organize, or clean something. I already did this week's project. I cleaned out the 3 youngest kids' drawers. I did the hand-me-down shuffle and packed away the rest of their summer wardrobes. I ended up with a box of boy's clothes for a cousin and half a garbage bag for the thrift shop. That's 13 pounds purged y'all!