Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Year's Shennanigans

Up until yesterday I had no plans whatsoever for New Year's Eve. A girlfriend and her hubs were possibly coming over for a drink or two after she got off work at 6pm. Each of my sisters has children who will be away that evening, so it would have been hard to talk them into coming down and hanging out with my kids and I. When you have the chance to go out and do something sans kids, the last thing you want to do is kid stuff. Well, us anyway. Its the same reason I could never be a teacher. I want to save my patience for my own children. And moms need adult time too. I use work for conversing with adults. Being a single mama doesn't leave a lot of time for socializing outside my home (read lots of tea dates). But now that BedHead is old enough to take care of her siblings, I have gotten out for a couple of hours here and there.

The kiddos have been on my case about making New Year's plans. They want to party! Last year we went to a hotel with their aunties and cousins and they had a wonderful time. They wanted to do it again this year. But like I had said, there are no cousins around this year.

Yesterday was dentist day. I had the pleasure of having a tooth pulled. Yuck! Anyway on the way home there was a contest on the radio and I called in and won! Ten VIP tickets to a nightclub New Year's Eve and a certificate for 75 bucks to use there.

So the kids and I are going to go into the city and get a hotel room. We get to order pizza and swim. And I get to go out with aunties too. For free! Win Win! And I have never gone out for New Year's Eve. It has always been spent in. To tell the honest truth I slept through it last year. Woke up when it was all over. I haven't done the club thing in years. YEARS! We'll see how it goes.

The best part is that its totally going to be a girls' night and the kids got their way after all.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Revisiting The Dream

Back. And hopefully better than ever.